The Dr Radcliffe’s Trust invites applications from young people who:

  • are 16 (post GCSE) – 25 years old
  • are studying at school, college, university or are in an apprenticeship
  • live in Steeple or Middle Aston, or attended Dr Radcliffe’s School for a minimum of 2 years.

In the past awards have been made to help fund school or college field trips, tools or equipment for apprenticeships or vocational training, uniforms for trainees, specialist software and laptops, equipment for students at college or university, travel costs, and help with living expenses for those living away from home.

Awards are made based on the financial needs of the applicant, so family household income is considered, but there is no restriction as to family income; each case is considered individually. Young people can apply any year that they are eligible regardless of whether they have received an award in the past.

Applications for the awards must be made by 11th November. Any late applications will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. The scholarship committee then reviews the applications and aims to make awards during December.

To simplify the application process we ask young people to apply electronically via a Google form. The link to this is given below as well as a QR code.


If you need help with the application process or need more information then please contact Tina Ferguson. Her email address is