This directory contains a listing of businesses and services available to people living in Steeple and Middle Aston.

It aims to include details of all the public and voluntary services available to villagers – everything from local libraries to Age UK.

On the business side, it includes companies based in the village whose customers are mainly local, such as the village shop, and others who are based here but have a much wider customer base, for example designers, accountants and other business services. The business listings also include those based outside the village, who come here to sell their goods and services.

Any business or service that comes within these categories can be listed in this directory free of charge. If you would like to be included, please email the following details to the editor (

  • Name of business or service
  • A short paragraph (up to 25 words) describing the nature of the goods or service you offer
  • A contact name
  • Contact email address
  • Contact telephone number
  • Website URL, if applicable, and whether you would like us to link to your website

Needless to say, inclusion in this listing does not constitute a recommendation by the website committee.